Sunday, 21 September 2014


Hi loves! Haven't been here in a while because I actually haven't bought any makeup recently.
I can hear the gasps very faintly if I keep very quiet. haha

Anyway, I have been researching on skincare recently and have also been spicing my skincare products up. I know I recently just talked about Uriage products and I am still religiously using it but I added something new!

Image taken from Paula's Choice 

So I was introduced to Paula's Choice beautypedia when I was in the States and I became quite obsessed with her products plus reviews. It was very very factual! haha and I finally got my hands on the Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Gel Exfoliant.

My previously raved product is this...
Image taken from Uriage

So this product contains 18% AHA-BHA complex.

Here comes the big question: AHA or BHA?


  • Water-soluble
  • Are acids that are derived from fruits 
  • More suited for sun-damaged / dry skin
  • Exfoliates surface of skin and promote turnover of cells
  • Aids in retaining moisture
  • Rejuvenate ageing skin
  • Lipid (oil)-soluble
  • Is (basically) Salicylic acid
  • Able to penetrate pores with sebum and therefore, exfoliate beneath the surface
  • Has anti-bacterial/inflammation properties to kick those acne-bacterias' asses
  • More suited for oily, acne-prone skin
So there you go. I hope its simple enough!

Nowadays, I use Paula's Choice 2% BHA gel on my t-zone to further keep those blackheads at bay and then I use Uriage K18 on my cheeks area where breakouts are lesser and where I tend to feel drier. 

One thing about these two products is that everyone emphasises about sunblock protection because these 2 properties basically exfoliates your skin, leaving them exposed. BUT, PLS. no matter if you use these products, SUNBLOCK IS A MUST. i am very naggy when it comes to sunblock and I will nag your ears deaf if I find out you don't use sunblock. Prevention is always better then cure so to prevent sun-damaged skin in the first place, make sure you use a sunblock SPF of at least 50, especially in our very sun-lit Singapore! 

Ok, this is just a skincare update post! Hope everyone is awesomeballz!
